Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Here's a logical thought:

"Change is not possible if there are no real potentials distinct from what is currently actual. The only non-arbitrary condition on the existence of a potential-qua-potentiality is that an accurate statement regarding the hypothetical potentiality is, in principle, not provably self-incoherent. Consequently, there is no non-arbitrary way to limit the cardinality of the set of all (basic) potentials; it's meta-infinite, in the same sense that the mathematical hierarchy of infinities is meta-infinite. You can call it the "meta-infinite potential", "the GOD", "the DAO", "the NOW" ... or ... "CHAOS", with each basic potential being a chao ... or a unit of chaos. "

" It's humorous when people dogmatically reject the notion that a paradoxical belief can be useful. "

--Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason


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